Welcome at "U Ani i Bohdana"

  Devon Rex cattery  

Animals have always been with us in life, but the adventure with breeding cats began in 2012, quite unusually - from cat hotel establishing plans in our house. In order to ensure the highest standard of service for feline guests, we decided to consult design and functionality of the rooms with a professional breeder.
Thanks to TEODOR clinic and Mrs. Justyna Kołacka we met this wonderful, one of a kind breed - Devon Rex. We did not think that cats can have such amazing characters, be sociable, gentle and people oriented. It is the temperament of those animals that has earned our hearts and forever changed our life plans - the hotel turned into a cattery, and weekends spent at home in a lively pedigree cats shows.
Currently, we are happy owners of 7 Devon Rex cats. Our greatest pride of the cattery, apart from the beautiful exterior and great characters, is undoubtedly the wide variety of colors in bred by kittens - we are able to produce every color, including the very rare as lilac.
Due to its great character - Devon Rex is often called the cat-dog. Valuing this feature very high, we make every effort to ensure that every kitten leaving our house, is confident, open minded and willing to cooperate with the man, and not only taught how to use a cuvette. Our kittens react to their names, they can play with a man and they are very happy, ready to share life with the new owners.
We invite you to view all tabs of our website, see our cats and the effects of the breeding plans, as well as to visit us often for updates and follow the results of our cats in the show ring.

Best Regards,
Anna i Bohdan

Our diplomas & certificates

Bo koty są dobre na wszystko.
Na wszystko, co życie nam niesie.
Bo koty, to czułość i bliskość
na wiosnę, na lato, na jesień.

A zimą – gdy dzień już zbyt krótki
i chłodnym ogarnia nas cieniem,
to k o t - Twój przyjaciel malutki
otuli Cię ciepłym mruczeniem.

Franciszek Klimek